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  • Space Ponder Writers

Webb Telescope Captures Stunning Images of the Furthest Galaxies in Space | A Photo of the Day Feature

Light from the furthest galaxies shown travelled over 13 billion years before Webb's mirrors captured it these observations marked the first time ever these particular emission lines have been seen at such immense distances and these are only Webb's initial observations there may be even more distant galaxies in this image. Let's ponder this space photo.

Early Universe Galaxies Captured by Webb

Today we'll be looking at the infrared data provided by the technological wonder the James Webb space telescope and the spectra data Webb has shown us the chemical composition of galaxies in the very aerial universe for the first time this was made possible by the telescope's position in space far away from the earth's atmosphere which filters out some infrared light distant cluster of galaxies show the warping and stretching of space and time itself otherwise known as gravitational lensing.

This gravitational lensing is in abundance and Webbs first deep field the mass that is warping space time is so immense that it looks as if there is a black hole here but instead there is a massive galaxy cluster.

Webb Spectrum Data

Due to the immense mass of the cluster of galaxies arcs and the deep field may be of the same galaxy in fact it has been confirmed that this arc is of the same galaxy, it's light distorted by the curvature of space time.

As more data is released, we can ponder further in this graph we are peering into the composition of these distant galaxies the spectrum of these distant galaxies will reveal the properties of its gas which will indicate how its stars are forming and how much dust it contains these data are rich and have never before been detected from this far away at this quality.

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