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  • Space Ponder Writers

Globular Cluster Terzan 12 Captured By Hubble

Updated: Jan 27

New image from the Hubble Space Telescope has revealed the globular cluster Terzan 12 in stunning detail. The image, which was taken using the Wide Field Camera 3, shows thousands of stars packed together in a tight cluster. The stars are arranged in a roughly spherical shape, with a higher concentration of stars near the centre

Terzan 12 is located about 15,000 light-years from Earth in the constellation of Sagittarius. It is one of the most massive globular clusters in the Milky Way, with a mass of about 100 million solar masses. The cluster is also one of the most metal-rich globular clusters, meaning that it contains a relatively high abundance of elements heavier than hydrogen and helium.

Terzan 12 Globular Cluster
Terzan 12 Globular Cluster

The new Hubble image shows the effects of dust on the light from the stars in Terzan 12. The dust absorbs some of the light, making the cluster appear redder than it would otherwise be. The dust also scatters the light, creating a fuzzy appearance.

Despite the effects of dust, the new Hubble image is a remarkable view of Terzan 12. It provides a glimpse into the heart of this massive and metal-rich globular cluster.

Hubble has been operating for over 30 years and has produced some of the most iconic images of the universe. The new image of is a reminder that Hubble is still going strong and continues to provide us with new insights into the cosmos.

In addition to the beautiful image, the Hubble observations of the mighty cluster have also provided astronomers with new insights into the cluster's history. The observations suggest that Terzan 12 may have formed in a different part of the Milky Way than it is currently located. The cluster may have been captured by the Milky Way billions of years ago.

Hubble & Webb

This image includes ultraviolet and visible data from Hubble & Infrared with Webb. Hubble and Webb have different strengths and capabilities that complement each other. Hubble observes mainly in visible and ultraviolet light, while Webb observes mainly in infrared light.

This image of galaxy pair VV 191 includes near-infrared light from Webb, and ultraviolet and visible light from Hubble.
This image of galaxy pair VV 191 includes near-infrared light from Webb, and ultraviolet and visible light from Hubble.

This means that Hubble can see stars and galaxies as they appear to us, while Webb can see through dust and gas to reveal hidden structures and objects. Hubble can also study objects that are very bright, such as supernovae and quasars, while Webb can study objects that are very faint, such as the first stars and galaxies that formed after the Big Bang.

By combining their observations, Hubble and Webb can provide a more complete picture of the cosmos than either one alone. For example, they can study how stars and planets form and evolve, how galaxies grow and interact, and how the universe expands and changes over time.

They can also test theories of physics and cosmology, such as dark matter, dark energy, and gravity.

Hubble and Webb, along with ground-based radio telescopes, provide complementary views of M74. Hubble's sharp vision at UV and visible wavelengths allows it to see HII regions, while Webb's infrared sensitivity allows it to see through dust and gas. ALMA can see even longer wavelengths of light, providing a complete picture of the galaxy.

By combining data from these different telescopes, scientists can learn more about M74 than they could from any single observatory.

M47 Galaxy
M74 Galaxy

The brethren are not only scientific instruments, but also sources of inspiration and wonder. They show us the beauty and diversity of the universe and challenge us to learn more about it. They are also examples of hooman ingenuity and cooperation, as they are the result of decades of work by thousands of people from many countries and disciplines. They are truly a dynamic duo that will continue to amaze us for years to come.

Keeping pondering!

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